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Friday, December 2, 2016

Last month of 2016, 2016年的最后一个月!

对我而言,今年可说是个丰收年, 也可说是也败家年,因为花很多。。。


今年总结,赚多,但花更多, 花得开心就好!! 😁😂😄😂

今年, 我给自己买了我梦寐以求的 Iphone 6S Rose Gold128 GB, 终于到手啦,还是靠自己比较快。。。就当作我打工五年的奖励吧!!


今年还不错,去了Bangkok 和 Taiwan 玩,还做代购,做代购还真的不容易呢!

在刚过的11月,我给自己来场说走就走的旅行去台湾,一个人的旅行,当做给自己的生日礼物,还不错的体验,只是天不作美啊, 台湾冬天迟来,热死我啦,还一直下雨,还想要去泡温泉的说!留下遗憾,下次再去吧! 

Check List 
  1.  Travel to at least one country once a year  ✔  
  2.  Earn more money this year ✔  😂
  3.  Slim down 减肥  - half check , still need to slim down more,继续加油! 
  4.  Buy Iphone 6S rose gold ✔  
  5.  Own a new flat house, renovation done  ✔  
  6.  一个人的旅行 ✔  
  7.  30 岁前一个人去外国自助旅行 ✔  
  8.  说走就走的旅行  ✔  
  9.  尝试了新东西 - 做网卖,做代购 ✔  
  10.  给自己做了小小投资 ✔  
  11.  多运动❌  刚开始有,但接下来就懒惰没运动了,明年要多加油!

今年的checklist 应该就这么多吧!还有一个收在心里, 还没实现。。。

Sunday, June 12, 2016

My car broke down again😢😢

My beloved white car broke down again yesterday, cannot start and stop in the middle of the road... Just in front of usm...
Dunno what to do...

So sad... Get scolded😢😥

My pocket kena burst again....dunno will kena charge how much this time... Haihzzz

Thursday, March 31, 2016

My new baby!! Finally!!

Finally!! I got my new baby!!
After surveying and considering for so long, I have bought this! 
My new iPhone 6S in rose gold!
As there is Switch promotion for 6S, rebate RM500 for Swtich member. 
Bought it on 5-Mar-16. 
Yeah!! Excited excited!!